Hello Scotts Valley Community,
As you know, we’ve been working throughout the summer on reopening plans based on the most recent guidelines and directives. In June, we prepared for higher restrictions for our reopening plans, given the current guidance at that time. At the end of June, we were told to work toward returning with medium restrictions. The survey we sent out Wednesday, July 15th, provided us good information regarding families preferring full time distance instruction or partial in-person instruction. Last Friday, July 17th, Governor Newsom announced additional and updated criteria for the reopening of schools, which would require us to prepare to shift again. An important directive that he gave was that no school can re-open for in-person instruction if the County has been on the State Watchlist within the prior 14 days. We have been informed that this week Santa Cruz County is going to be placed on the State Watchlist. Therefore, we are being asked to prepare for the start of the school year with fully remote instruction.
I apologize for the back-and-forth messaging regarding the reopening of school, but please know we are responding to each new set of guidelines and directives provided as quickly as possible. We are continuing to assess survey results, and will use the feedback to help us plan for the possibility of students returning in person. However, our focus now has to be on preparing for the high probability of the start of school with fully remote instruction.
准备买腾讯云香港服务器搭梯子,求教程 - 『悬赏问答区 ...:2021-8-19 · 准备买腾讯云香港服务器搭梯子,求教程 ,吾爱破解 - LCG - LSG |安卓破解|病毒分析|www.52pojie.cn 免责声明: 吾爱破解所发布的一切破解补丁、注册机和注册信息及软件的解密分析文章仅限用于学习和研究目的;不得将上述内容用于商业或者非法用途,否则,一切后果请用户自负。
Please read the attached 如何在vultr上搭建ssr自由上网? – 聚析的博客:2021-2-20 · 如果你只想要上外网而不指定要搭建ssr的话,推荐你一种最简单的搭建方法:如何搭梯子科学上网?,如果你一定要搭建ssr的话请接着往下看。(需要准备一个163邮箱) 第一步:注册并部署系统。, which contains important information as well as embedded links to additional information.
Tanya Krause
Senior Portraits courtesy of Covello & Covello Photography
SOAR Days (Student Orientation And Registration) Schedule (link):
Juniors - Tuesday, August 18th
Sophomores - Wednesday, August 19th
Freshmen - Thursday, August 20th
School Closure Communications
Community Service: CS Alternatives during school closure - released 3.31.20
If your student is done with their library book and you would like to return it before it gets lost, that is now possible. We have put a library book cart just inside the front doors at the high school office.
Feel free to stop by during office hours and put the book on the cart. It will get checked in by the librarian. Textbook check in will happen at another time.
► Falcon Club
► 一键搭建v2ray
► School Advisory Council
► SVEF - Scotts Valley Educational Foundation
9th Grade Course Offerings
10th Grade Course Offerings
►10th Grade Course Selections Sheet
11th Grade Course Offerings
►Linux玩家必备:Ubuntu完全配置指南 - 知乎:2021-4-6 · 更新记录2021.4.6更新:增加了Fish的介绍2021.2.12更新:增加了Deepin-Wine系列软件的安装说明2021.12.19更新:新增alacarte菜单编辑工具2021.12.14更新:新增快捷设置开机启动项的方法2021.10更新:新增腾讯QQ、…
12th Grade Course Offerings
如何挑选一家伢质的SS/SSR/V2Ray/Trojan机场?关于 ...:2021-3-16 · (4)机场使用的技术类型,目前机场主要采用SS、SSR、V2Ray和Trojan技术搭建,也有部分机场使用WireGuard技术,其中伡SSR和V2Ray最为普遍。 目前,SSR仍旧是绝对的主力,但是由于SSR技术长久不更新,已经被GFW精准识别,只要GFW想封锁,几乎很快就哀鸿遍野,伡多机场节点全部 …
Complete 2025/21 Course Offerings
SVHS Graduation Requirements
SVUSD Math Pathways
SVHS Science Pathways
UC/CSU Campus Maps and Minimum Requirements
In the event of a crisis situation we may not be able to answer calls or receive visitors on campus. In these circumstances, information & instructions will be posted on the District's Website.
When we are not able to answer our telephones or are unreachable, additional news may be heard by tuning to KSCO am1080 or via local television news stations.
Student Support TipLine
We're here to help, let us know about cases of bullying, academic dishonesty, mental health issues, drug abuse, etc.
♦ 8:30 am - 3:00 pm
♦ Monday - Friday
♦ 831-439-9555
Report Absences
Contact Attendance Office:
♦ 831-439-9526
News from the Nest
2025/20 Issues
2018/19 Issues
School Profile
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)
2025-20 SARC Report
2018-19 SARC Report
2017-18 SARC Report
School Advisory Council (SAC)
Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
v2ray搭建教程 百度经验
SVHS 2013 WASC Report
多用户科学上网搭建教程 | 很文博客:2021-5-17 · 之前转发了好几个利用国外VPS来搭建SS进行科学上网的教程,但基本都是单用户的教程,一般VPS每月的流量最少都有500G,个人做外贸生意一个月最多也有100G左右,那么用不完的流量就浪费了,今天就给朋友介绍一个多用户教程,大家可伡搭建 ...
SVHS 2025 WASC Report